Regenerative Practices


By using sustainable methods, we are increasing the root systems and soil quality which in return helps us to be more drought and flood resistant.

By making the soil more like a sponge when it rains and having a thick stand of pasture helps to keep a cover on the soil in times of drought which helps to prevent drying out.

We aim to give all our animals the best lives and respect by our practise and allowing them to live the way nature intended (always on the move) grazing the pastures that are growing in root structure, quality and quantity after every rotation around our property.

The best part is we are providing our community and beyond with the most nutrient dense produce we possibly can while working with nature & regenerating our land.

Reclaiming our forest!
Our pigs have been working hard to clear the scrub and overgrowth in the dense timbered areas of our property. Once they have worked their magic, we plant a cover crop full of diverse seeds depending on the season. We then allow the cattle to graze once mature. This method is also allowing sunlight in and allowing the trees to flourish!

Moving our meat chickens daily is a more intensive fertilising system & a faster recovery for the pastures. They are also eating machines so they are in turn pooping machines adding natural nitrogen, phosphorous & potassium along with trace elements of zinc, copper & magnesium.
We make the bedding for the brooders from unwanted saplings turning them into woodchips. We then we use the woodchips to form contour banks to slow water movement down, which allows the water to soak into the ground taking with it all the goodness from that poop & broken down chips.
The earthworms LOVE it!



"Natures Bull dozers".

Our pigs are used as little bulldozers and are used on overgrown areas of the property. Through using their natural instincts to root around and upturn the plants, making mud wallows and dust bathes they are crushing, they are removing unwanted shrubs and bushes, fertilising and also breaking the ground ready for new crops.
We always follow the pigs with a multi species cover crop of grasses, legumes, Forbes, brassicas and flowers. The mix will depend on what we are trying to achieve in that area. Our pigs are also fed only the best grain, and also help reduce food waste as we collect fruit and vegetables from local shops to save it going to landfill.


"Our cattle are 100% grass fed and finished, our pastures are chemical free".

Holistic planed grazing is using animals as a tool to graze, trample and fertilise with there waste product. By putting them in a smaller area for a short period (no longer 24 hours) ensuring they graze on all species of pasture, which in turn gives the cattle a more balanced diet & also ensures high animal impact in the designated area.
Planning also ensures we give pastures sufficient time to recover & regenerate. This time can range anywhere between 30/120 days depending on time of year. Planning begins months before the animals step foot in the paddock.



Todd grew up on the far South Coast of NSW in a small hobby farm in Bermagui. It was here his passion for farming and fresh produce began.

His love for coastal lifestyle was enriched through his early years of working on fishing chartered boats to travelling around Australia.

Todd’s culinary interest and passion for fresh produce led him to start an apprenticeship as a chef and work at numerous eateries across Australia. Eventually bringing him to Port Macquarie as a head chef in a local award winning restaurant.

LVs on Clarence was a successful café, owned and managed by Todd and Lisa until mid 2020. The ethos was to cook and produce wholesome, homemade, local food.

From LVs came family life and a love for owning a farm of their own to produce fresh produce from paddock to plate.

A successful local Chef to now Farmer. Bringing to the region a beautiful regenerative pastured based farm producing fresh produce to the Hastings region.



Lisa was born and raised in Port Macquarie and has worked in various retail and hospitality roles throughout her career. Lisa’s experience very much compliments this team based culinary journey.

It was in Port Macquarie that Lisa met Todd and they began their lifelong goal together to open a restaurant of their own.

Lisa’s passion and interest for travel, family and community made her the perfect manager of the jointly owned and managed café LVs. Providing customers with a friendly place to come and try local produce plated up with the Lisa and Todd stamp.

Since selling the very successful eatery in 2020, Lisa spends her time raising three beautiful children as well as managing a successful farm.

Feeding her passion to be resourceful on the farm, creating a sustainable way of farm life and learning more about the regenerative agriculture processes to enable Chef2Farmer to bring produce from paddock to plate to the Hastings community.


Chef2Farmer is a progression of our passion for ethical, local and chemical free raised produce. From being a chef sourcing Locally grown produce to producing our own but with a huge dedication to land management using Regenerative farming practices.